Are You Seeking Relief From...
Stress & Anxiety
Addictions & Compulsions
Relationship Issues
Our Experience Ensures Your Health
Our Experience Ensures Your Health
Are You Seeking Relief From...
Stress & Anxiety
Addictions & Compulsions
Relationship Issues
Why Touchstone Therapy Online?
You Do NOT Have to Struggle Alone.
Actually, Struggling is Optional.
Relief from the pain and suffering caused by Anxiety, Depression, Addictions or Relationship Issues has been my goal for my clients for over 30 years. I am extremely honored to say that my clients have achieved relief and continue to maintain their healthy lifestyles. In fact, most report that they are thriving!
Are You Seeking Relief From...
Stress & Anxiety
Addictions & Compulsions
Relationship Issues
Our Experience Ensures Your Health
Are You Seeking Relief From...
Stress & Anxiety
Addictions & Compulsions
Relationship Issues
Our Experience Ensures Your Health
You Do NOT Have to Struggle Alone.
Actually, Struggling is Optional.
Relief from the pain and suffering caused by Anxiety, Depression, Addictions or Relationship Issues has been my goal for my clients for over 30 years. I am extremely honored to say that my clients have achieved relief and continue to maintain their healthy lifestyles. In fact, most report that they are thriving!
Why Touchstone Therapy Online?
Areas of Expertise
At Touchstone I Choose NEVER to be
a Jill of All Trades Yet a Master of None.
Therefore, I Limit My Practice Specializations
to Four Areas.
At Touchstone I Choose NEVER to be
a Jill of All Trades Yet a Master of None.
Therefore, I Limit My Practice Specializations
to Four Areas.
At Touchstone I Choose NEVER to be
a Jill of All Trades Yet a Master of None.
Therefore, I Limit My Practice Specializations
to Four Areas.
Areas of Expertise
At Touchstone I Choose NEVER to be
a Jill of All Trades
Yet a Master of None.
So, I Limit My Practice Specializations
to the Following Four Areas.
Stress and Anxiety
Both Kill;
Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.
Stress is a normal part of living life. But unhealthy stress is extremely harmful and can kill. Anxiety disorders frequently appear after a time of extreme stress, when outside stressors leave, but a body has been "on guard" for such an extended period of time that the feelings remain even when the pressures are gone. This is baffling.
The Good News is that this is very manageable.
Stress and Anxiety
Both Kill;
Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.
Stress is a normal part of living life. But unhealthy stress is extremely harmful and can kill. Anxiety disorders frequently appear after a time of extreme stress, when outside stressors leave, but a body has been "on guard" for such an extended period of time that the feelings remain even when the pressures are gone. This is baffling.
The Good News is that this is very manageable.
And it does it seductively and convincingly.
Depression can make a person feel like they are all alone in the bottom of a deep, dark, and dank well that is covered in slippery black and green slime. There is no way out; no light at the top and no ladder to climb up and out.
But this is a big fat ugly lie.
Touchstone Therapy can offer a ladder that is sturdily built to help you climb out of this awful well of depression.
All you need to do is reach up and grab onto it.
Lies, Lies, Lies;
Seductively and convincingly.
Depression can make a person feel like they are all alone in the bottom of a deep, dark, and dank well that is covered in slippery black and green slime. There is no way out; no light at the top and no ladder to climb up and out.
But this is a big fat ugly lie.
Touchstone Therapy can offer a ladder that is sturdily built to help you climb out of this awful well of depression.
All you need to do is reach up and grab onto it.
Addictions and Compulsions
And steal life's breath.
As Human Beings most of us resist Change and Growth. One way to avoid these normal opportunities life tosses to us is to numb out, escape temporarily, chill, etc., etc., etc.
There are many words for it, but when the avoidance makes one's life UNMANAGEABLE, then the chosen drug of choice or behavior of choice has taken over and moved into Addiction.
Addictions and Compulsions
And steal your life's breath.
As Human Beings most of us resist Change and Growth. One way to avoid these normal opportunities life tosses to us is to numb out, escape temporarily, chill, etc., etc., etc.
There are many words for it, but when the avoidance makes one's life UNMANAGEABLE, then the chosen drug of choice or behavior of choice has taken over and moved into Addiction.
Are often built on shaky ground;
And require several skills to survive.
Many relationships are built on romantic love which, unfortunately, fades. If couples do not have the skills of honest, open, loving communication which includes listening as well as speaking, arguments erupt and grudges begin to develop. These grudges never truly go away until they are aired freely and heard with compassion.
Touchstone Therapy can and has helped many, many couples to sharpen and use these skills and tools successfully in their relationships.
Hours of Operation
By Appointment Only
Monday thru Thursday 2-6
(Some Availability Outside These Hours)
Pricing Per Each 55 Minute Session
(We Do Accept Insurance;
The Prices Below are for Private Pay)
Individual = $75.00
Couples = $130.00
Group=Depends Upon Group
Are often built on shaky ground;
And require several skills to survive.
Many relationships are built on romantic love which, unfortunately, fades. If couples do not have the skills of honest, open, loving communication which includes listening as well as speaking, arguments erupt and grudges begin to develop. These grudges never truly go away until they are aired freely and heard with compassion.
Touchstone Therapy can and has helped many, many couples to sharpen and use these skills and tools successfully in their relationships.
WhyTouchstone Works
A Different Approach.
I Use Humor and Match Client to Therapist.
WhyTouchstone Works
A Different Approach.
I Use Humor and Match Client to Therapist.
I believe that the sayings, photos, or jokes a person finds comical or poignant to them can say a lot about that person.
Here are a few of mine.
If they resonate with you also-GREAT.
If they don't, you may want to shop around for a different therapist.
About this, I am not joking; I am being totally serious.
Our connection matters greatly to me.
I believe that the sayings, photos, or jokes a person
finds comical or poignant to them can say a lot about that person.
Here are a few of mine.
If they resonate with you also-GREAT.
If they don't, you may want to shop around for a different therapist.
About this, I am not joking; I am being totally serious.
Our connection matters greatly to me.
Benefits of Online Therapy
A Higher Level of Connection.
Hours & Pricing.
Just the FAQs Ma'am
Hours of Operation
By Appointment Only
Monday thru Thursday 2-6
(Some Availability Outside These Hours)
Pricing Per Each 55 Minute Session
We Do Accept Insurance; The Prices Below are for Private Pay
Individual = $75.00
Couples = $130.00
Group=Depends Upon Group
Therapy and Life Coaching for People Seeking